Hy Long

Know more about Hy Long in this short video above!

Hy Long believes in energetic presence and the power of movement to activate, settle and re-cultivate energy. How we are able to channel that energy through our bodies, our breath and ultimately into our lives is why he loves yoga and wants to share as a teacher.

Hy Long's class are known to be strong, fun, creative and sincere. He wants students to feel their bodies, get into their muscles and find their breath. And through this journey, his hope is that we can discover the essential nature of who we are and live the promise of our own destiny.

Hy Long's studies include a 200hr YogaWorks Teacher Training with Joan Hyman and Carmen Fitzgibbon in Los Angeles, a 200hr Ananda Vinyasa Teacher Training with Lesley DeSaulniers in Marin, a 300hr YogaWorks Teacher Training with Michele Klink in Marin, Kirtan Camp Training with Jai Uttal in Marin, Sound Bath Player Teacher Training with Jamie Bechtold and Robert Lee in Los Angeles, and a Reiki Level II Practitioner Certification with Sophie Demitra in Los Angeles.

Monique Camargo Silva