Top 10 Reasons to Retreat

“It is Essential Sometimes to go into Retreat”: a reflection on the benefits of retreating

by Carla Herzenberg

Why Retreat?

The famous spiritual leader Jiddu Krishnamurti said that “… it is essential sometimes to go into retreat, to stop everything that you have been doing, to stop your beliefs and experiences completely and look at them anew, not keep on repeating like machines whether you believe or don’t believe. You would let fresh air into your minds.”

There are so many amazing benefits that come from going on a retreat. Not only do they give you an opportunity to venture away from your everyday routine, demands, and stresses, they are also purposeful getaways rooted in a daily practice. You return to your daily life feeling nurtured, knowing you have given yourself the gift of self love to become your most powerful, clear and authentic self. You cannot show up for everyone in your life if you do not show up for yourself first.

Here are 10 reasons to retreat with Metta Yoga this year:

1. Connect with your breath, practice and have FUN in nature

What better way to get out of the hustle and bustle of city living than to go on an exotic yoga retreat! You’ll be able to connect with nature on a deeper level, immersing yourself in your surroundings and taking advantage of them in a way you might not otherwise do. In lush greens and blues, sun and rain, tropics and desert: you can breathe deeply and connect to nature’s rhythms.


2. Disconnect from technology

Going on a retreat vacation is a perfect excuse to disconnect (as much as possible) from technology and live in the moment, being fully present for the day's experiences. Our lives are connected 24/7. We can end up spending a large amount of our free time on social media and glued to screens. When retreating, you are in the moment and away from digital distractions.


3. Go deep and find healing: evaluate your current circumstances

For all of us a retreat can help us take a step back and evaluate where we are in life, love, relationship, work or identity with some distance. Sometimes it’s difficult to make decisions when we’re too close to the situation. Going on retreat can give you the benefit of distance and help you to reevaluate. A yoga retreat can be healing for your mental and physical health. Going on retreat can change your life, and help you to deal with any emotional and mental issues you may be having. It can also be healing for your body if you’ve experienced injury.


4. A taste of living life with a purpose and practice

When you’re on retreat, each day has an element of purpose. You’re concentrating on your practice, growing your yogic voice and relaxing or taking advantage of amazing activities in between. Your health and wellbeing are placed front and center. The food you eat on a retreat is chosen with care for your health and wellbeing: it’s an opportunity to eat well without having to worry about it yourself, and a wellness habit you can take home with you. Each day you can do what you want, and have a taste of living your life with an element of purpose.


5. Advance and deepen your practice

If you struggle to find time to practice yoga in your everyday life then the benefit of going on a yoga retreat is being able to practice every day without distraction. Even the most seasoned yoga practitioner can deepen their practice on retreat and aim to reach the next level. We get to dive deep, work, play, laugh and grow the practice over a week TOGETHER. This will be transformational for your practice. Personally, this is my favorite mode to teach in. There is a bond of learning, sweating and big fun that you just can't get any other way.


6. Surround yourself with positive energy and positive yogis

One of the best benefits of going on a yoga retreat is taking a vacation full of positive energy! Joy seekers and adventurers always make up the retreat list! On retreat, you’ll surround yourself with positive thoughts, positive humans and positive feelings. No need to worry about any vacation stress, just embrace the positive vibes coming your way. Yoga retreats attract like-minded people, and a benefit of attending a retreat is being able to make new connections and friendships with people who will add positivity to your life. Treat yourself to an experience you really deserve, by going on a yoga retreat. This is a meaningful vacation all about YOU, and with the stresses of daily life, you deserve it.


7. Discover a new perspective

Attending a yoga retreat can give you a new perspective, whether it’s about your own life or through learning about a new culture. You never know what you can learn from others that can affect your future choices, or make you see your own circumstances in a different light.


8. Really Relax

A reason to go on a yoga retreat is to give yourself an opportunity to truly relax. Planning a vacation can be hard work, and sometimes it’s difficult to disconnect and really restore your energy reserves. On a yoga retreat, you can really escape and have nothing to do but concentrate on the retreat.


9. Mindfulness: Breathe, Sweat, Laugh, Repeat

A yoga retreat has the benefit of being a vacation that improves your health. You will return longer, leaner, stronger, deeply relaxed and more advanced in your practice. We will sweat and meditate together twice a day. We will connect with the flavors, sights, people and adventures of our beautiful surroundings. Practice mindfulness and also play. We can often find ourselves living in the future as we plan ahead. On a yoga retreat, you can finally just BE. Come away from a retreat having exercised your body and relaxed your mind, and feeling healthier in both.


10. See beautiful destinations

Let’s face it, yoga retreats usually take place in beautiful places around the world, whether it’s the beaches of Mexico and Hawaii, or the beach/city/jungle combination of Thailand and Bali. A yoga retreat is like getting two for the price of one - a vacation in a beautiful place combined with an experience that benefits you on a deeper yogic level.


Carla Herzenberg is a Co-Owner of Metta Yoga and will be leading retreats in the coming months in Mexico, Hawaii, locally at Flamingo Resort in Santa Rosa, Stinson Beach and other locations etc… Our retreat program at Metta supports these intentions and we hope you will join us for one of our offerings this coming year!


Join Carla for her regular classes at Metta on: 

  • Tuesdays & Thursdays, Fiery Flow

    • 6am - Corte Madera Studio 

    • 7am - Corte Madera Studio + Livestream

    • 9am (level ⅔) - San Rafael Studio

  • Wednesdays & Fridays, Fiery Flow

    • 8:15am - Corte Madera Studio

  • Sundays Fiery Flow (level ⅔)

    • 8:30am - Corte Madera Studio + Livestream

© 2021 Metta Yoga LLC

Living Your YogaAmy Greywitt